A simple staggered rectangular volume, to maximize the usage of the shipping containers, while creating porches and a large upper floor balcony in the rear of the site. This home is designed to be affordable composed of hybrid of shipping containers and dimension lumber with prefab trusses for the gable roof. The current gable roof is not only to match common existing houses you might find in an urban neighborhood, the gable roof can provide for good solar access, as long as you are working with an "east-west" lot. With this concept in mind, we are using the gable roof as a solar-ready angle; I thought this would be a great way to create a solar ready prototype that has a 40 degree roof pitch that coincides with the latitude, making it a truly solar-ready home that is built to catch some rays.
It uses 8 shipping containers. This would be approximately 16' x 40' or about 1200 sq. ft. with 3 bed 2 bath. There is an option to have the Master on the ground floor to accommodate aging in place.